Teaching philosophy

One day there was a young girl who didn’t know what she wanted to become when she grew up. She asked all the adults in her life for some advice. Her mother told her to be just like her and she tried. But as she started to grow she turned out to be quite the opposite. Her father told her to be just like him but as she grew she didn’t like that idea either. Then she met the teacher who inspired her for ages. He was an art teacher, but not just any art teacher, he was the best art teacher that she could imagine. He was the one that inspired her to start drawing, never stop and to have fun while doing it.

Don’t worry, the little girl grows up and realizes that life isn’t a story and it sure ain’t no fairy tale. She learned that she had to work harder and harder every day to get what most people were born with. She also learned that students are more artistic than what they will give themselves credit for and are smarter than they think. To pull great works of art out of students you need to understand that there are different students with different styles. Just because you teach art doesn’t mean everyone is excited to make art.

But to make art is not a right or wrong thing. You can go in a different direction at any moment in the process because art is fluid and anything can be art. There are many people that think that only certain people can be artists and only certain things can be art. But what people do not know is that art is not one thing but the root of a very large tree with many branches. What I’m really saying is that my philosophy is that every child can be an artist and that everything they make is art.

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