Interview of artist

I had an interview with an art teacher about the art that she makes and how it changed her not only as an artist but also as an educator.

  1. What is the defining moment for your teaching?
    2. How would you describe your art and how you teach that art?
    3. What is the first thing you want the students in your class to know and learn?
    4. Have you ever changed a lesson to teach something new?
    5. Is there a lesson that you wish you could have done differently?
    6. Have you ever changed your art style to teach something new or to accommodate a student?
  2. My defining moment of teaching was seeing all the student artwork in my first art show and building relationships with my students. Also, getting tenure.
  3. I like to draw with colored pencils.   I teach a lot of shading using value with colored pencils.
  4. The first thing I want the students to know is the building blocks of drawing.  I like to start with lines and shapes.  I like to build relationships with the students from the first day.  That is the most important thing before starting to teach art. 
  5. I have changed lessons when I realize it may be too difficult for the students.  
  6. No, because learning what works and what doesn’t is part of teaching.
  7. Yes, I teach my students to use various materials that I don’t normally use in my own artwork. 

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