Artistic Portfolio

Self portrait/ animal crossing /digital brush

The story of my art is a long and winding path towards absolution. I have aways wanted to be a realist with my artwork. I don’t strive for perfection but in instead for truth and total honesty. I was born in Nigeria and raised in America in Queens, New York. It impacted the way that I see art and how I responded to art.

The beginning of my encounters with any sort and many types of arts had to be with my family and the shows we watched as kids. Then we all got into these shows called anime. I was highly influenced by Japanese culture. Then came high school and soon I had read about my favorite artists, Vincent Van Gogh. It wasn’t long before I wanted to become him.

Tulip/ digital brush

This first piece was made in a moment of deep learning. I had just opened up my first tablet and was in many moments of thought and love. I was entering into a whole new world. The world of digital art making. As you can see it’s simply a flower but when i was making it I was thinking of the purity and newness of this form of art. I wasn’t going for realistic but for symbolic purposes. I, like other artists, usually use art to make a statement about one thing or another. But for me I wanted to express myself and make a statement about digital media.

Crystal moon/ digital brush

I made this for a lot of reasons. I was sad and needed to get out my feelings about that. I was also in my hyper focus phase. So there was a lot of things on my mind. The crescent figure is the moon and the pink in the figure is the crystal. But as you can also see the moon looks like a crystal too.

Black girl magic / digital brush

This is something that i had to work really hard on. I feel like always need to work hard when it comes to people and faces. I encapsulated the powers of the Black girl. And so from the look to the face and hair its just what a Black girl magic moment looks like.

lions / acrylic print

The Lions are a fun and quick print. They were something that I kept thinking of and something that I wanted to have with red for such a long time. I love printing on my own paper and making wood blocks with my own two hands. And so the rest of the art you see are going to be printed work on paper.

Tangled snake | acrylic print
Self portrait | acrylic print