Research Interest

Vincent Van Gogh

When I was young, we learned about artist that made their mark on the world and people that spread inspiration even to today. One of those people that we learned about was Vincent Van Gogh. He was the troubled artist that really gave himself a name in the art world. We all know Vincent’s story and how he went “mad” and cut his ear off, but we didn’t all see the art that he created while he was in this “mad” state. The colors popping and the movement of a piece coming to life before your very eyes, Van Gogh was the best impressionist of his time and he died never hearing the praise that people so often give to his work for how it stunned them. I would love to give him his flowers and then some. So Vincent is my patron saint of color. It’s all about the color of things. The movement of his works lies in the transformation of color.

My research interest is that of the art styles and color pallets of great artist. How does the color change the way that you express the art and what does the experience have to do with how the artist chooses the color for their work. This changes the way that the art is viewed and how the viewer takes a part of the art.